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Syria: Israel and the U.S. Are Terrorist States
(Jerusalem Post) Caroline Glick - In a recent interview with the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Sharq al-Awsat, Syria's Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass explained that Israel and the U.S. are terrorist states. At the same time, terrorism-supporting countries like Syria and Saudi Arabia are victims, and terrorist organizations like Hizballah in Syrian-controlled Lebanon and Palestinian terrorist groups operating in Israel and headquartered in Damascus are legitimate resistance movements. Tlass explained that the Jews have no right to object to his book The Matza of Zion, in which he described as historical fact the 1841 blood libel against the Jews of Damascus, which accused them of killing children to make Pessah matzot. Tlass argued that Jews have no right to object to his writing, because killing children to make matzot is a "Jewish ritual."