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Why Israel's Policy is Far from Wrong
(Jerusalem Post) Barry Rubin - If one assumes there can be no peace with a Palestinian leadership unwilling to keep its commitments and uninterested in compromise, the only choice is to continue fighting until the other side is ready to stop. In this difficult situation Israel does have a reasonably appropriate strategy: Fight the Palestinian-imposed war, trying to minimize threats to Israeli citizens, and capture or punish terrorists. Inflict costs that will encourage the other side to implement a real cease-fire. Make clear that Israel is ready to accept an independent Palestinian state and other aspects of a peace agreement in order to give the other side an incentive to end the conflict. Improve Israeli defenses to lower casualties and show that the terror strategy does not work. Maintain vital international support, especially from the U.S., even at the price of restraining Israel's defensive military efforts somewhat. Request international pressure on the PA, including bypassing Yasser Arafat. Encourage an alternative Palestinian leadership willing to make peace, or at least a real cease-fire.