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Seeing the Facts in Iraq Converts a Critic
(New York Post) - Donald E. Walter Despite my initial opposition to the war, I am now convinced that we absolutely should have overthrown the Ba'athists - indeed, we should have done it sooner. What changed my mind? When we left in mid-June, 57 mass graves had been found, one with the bodies of 1,200 children. There have been credible reports of murder, brutality, and torture of hundreds of thousands of ordinary Iraqi citizens. There is poverty on a monumental scale and fear on a larger one. That fear is still palpable. I have seen the machines and places of torture. Terrible things happened with the knowledge, indeed with the participation, of Saddam, his family, and the Ba'athist regime. Thousands suffered while we were messing about with France and Russia and Germany and the UN. Every one of them knew what was going on there, but France and the UN were making millions administering the Food-for-Oil program.