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Palestinian Islamic Jihad Under Attack in Gaza
[Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center] During the first two weeks of Dec. 2007 there was a sharp increase in rocket fire from Gaza, with 66 identified rocket hits, compared with 65 for the entire month of November. On Dec. 12, 26 rockets hit Israel, most of them in and around Sderot. Most of the responsibility for the attacks was claimed by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the terrorist organization which has launched the greatest number of rockets since Hamas took over Gaza in June 2007. Hamas allows and even encourages the PIJ and other terrorist organizations to launch rockets at Israel. Following the escalation of rocket fire, the IDF and the Israel Security Agency deployed to attack senior PIJ terrorist operatives involved in rocket fire and other attacks. On Dec. 17 and 18 the Israel Air Force carried out four air strikes, killing ten PIJ and two Hamas terrorist operatives including Majid Yussuf Harazin, commander of the Jerusalem Battalions, the PIJ's terrorist operative wing in Gaza.