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Capital Offense
(Jerusalem Post) Editorial - Since the 1947 UN Partition Resolution placed Jerusalem under international control, U.S. presidents have declined to take a position on the status of the city. The parts of Jerusalem that fell under Israeli control in the wake of the War of Independence were never recognized by the U.S. as part of Israel. The U.S., Israel's most important ally, stubbornly insists on maintaining an anachronistic foreign policy that relates to Israel as if the year were 1947. That policy must change. Ostensibly, the State Department's position on Jerusalem is that any change in U.S. policy could "provoke uproar throughout the Arab and Muslim world and seriously damage our relations." But caving in to extremists only encourages more extremist behavior by proving that intimidation works. A radicalized Palestinian leadership - backed by bellicose Arab nations - rejected the 1947 UN Partition Plan that would have given them a Palestinian state. Instead, the Palestinians made the historic mistake of attempting to snuff out the fledgling Jewish state at birth. They refuse to face the consequences of their acts of violence. So does the U.S. The time has come for President Obama to amend America's policy. Whatever the final borders with a future Palestinian state, Jerusalem will remain Israel's capital. U.S. policy should recognize this.