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ElBaradei Hopes for Reconciliation in Egypt
(Washington Post) Lally Weymouth - Egyptian vice president for external affairs Mohamed ElBaradei said in an interview: "We have 90 million people who are angry....We had a revolution two years ago, and we see a people moving from a completely authoritarian system into a democracy....What we need is anger management right now. Part of that is to lower the temperature in terms of violence and then have a dialogue." "Morsi adopted a policy of exclusion....He tried to impose social values that aren't sitting well with the majority of Egyptians, such as his own version of Islam, which is not shared by the majority of Muslims. The reaction right now is just anger. We tried to get even. But we shouldn't try to get even - we should try to reconcile." "Morsi was democratically elected. It was an opportunity for the U.S. to reconcile with political Islam....If I were American, I would have done the same. The problem is that the Brotherhood failed miserably."