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Iran at the UN
[New York Sun] Anne Bayefsky - The global platform which will be handed to President Ahmadinejad by the UN is not as shocking as first meets the eye. The UN and the poster boy for state sponsors of terrorism have a long and cozy relationship - and one that threatens civilization as we know it. Over three years ago, the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency found Iran to have violated its Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty obligations. Ever since, the head of the IAEA, Mohammed ElBaradei, an Egyptian, has assigned himself the role of running interference for Iran. Then there is the burgeoning rapprochement between the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, and Ahmadinejad. Arbour traveled to Tehran at the beginning of September to attend a "human rights" conference, settling into a front row seat to listen to Ahmadinejad. The UN has gone to extraordinary lengths to fete Iranians - like handing Iranian Massoumeh Ebtekar the 2006 Champion of the Earth award for her "creativity, vision and leadership, and the potential of her work and ideas for replication across the globe." Among her creative acts, "Screaming Mary" - as she was dubbed by the world's press - performed as the spokesperson for the Iranian terrorists that took 66 Americans hostage in 1979. In 2002 the UN Human Rights Commission terminated the post of UN investigator into human rights abuses in Iran. Outnumbered and outmaneuvered, Western democracies have never attempted to reinstate it.