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The Burden of Proof Is on Iran
(Jerusalem Post) Ephraim Asculai and Emily B. Landau - Iran's new president Hassan Rouhani has said nothing so far to indicate that he has any intention to reverse course in the nuclear realm. Quite the contrary: He has said Tehran will not even discuss uranium-enrichment suspension. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been hailed for calling for flexibility in dealing with the international community, but his full sentence was that Iran may exercise flexibility for a tactical reason, while not losing sight of its rival and goal. In the next round of negotiations, Iran's potential for nuclear breakout must be on the table. Stopping activities at Fordow, discontinuing enrichment to 20% and removing stockpiles from the country are a first step. Equally important are dealing with stocks of low-enriched uranium and creating mechanisms to closely monitor and inspect all of Iran's nuclear activities, including the plutonium route. Words are not enough - it is deeds that count. And the deeds must come quickly, or the world will know that Iran has been using the time-buying tactic all over again. Dr. Ephraim Asculai is a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies, after 40 years at the Israel Atomic Energy Commission. Dr. Emily B. Landau is director of the Arms Control and Regional Security program at INSS.