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A Sense of Letdown in Israel over U.S. Pledges on Iran
(Council on Foreign Relations) Bernard Gwertzman - In an interview, Gerald M. Steinberg, professor of political studies at Bar-Ilan University, says Israelis are questioning whether the U.S. will deliver on its pledge to prevent a nuclear-weaponized Iran. "The general view is that the deal that was reportedly on the table in Geneva...was a major climb down from what had been expected. If that's the deal...then most of the Israeli security establishment says that's not what we were told. Under those circumstances it may be necessary for Israel to go at it alone." "The perceived collapse - and it may be temporary - on Iran also colors the way in which Israelis see America's role in the peace process. If the United States is unable to fulfill its promises and implement agreements on issues like Iran, then what role can it play in terms of the tough bargaining and difficult decision-making that needs to take place between Israelis and Palestinians? Kerry is criticized for constantly pressuring Israel - including a recent set of very critical statements on settlements - without any quid pro quo by the Palestinians."