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Defense Minister Ya'alon: We Have No Partner for Two-State Solution
(Jerusalem Post) Yaakov Lappin - Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said Saturday evening, "As someone who supported [the] Oslo [peace process], I'm learning that on the other side we have no partner for two states for two people." "There is no one on the other side, and hasn't been since the dawn of Zionism, a leadership that is prepared to recognize our right to exist as a nation-state for the Jewish nation, and to recognize an agreement as the end of the conflict and the end to demands. We won't talk about an inch, about a millimeter of territory, if we don't see that we have a partner who talks about recognition, about the end of the conflict, and about giving up the right of return. We will not implement the [Palestinian] doctrine of stages." He said he would be convinced that a partner exists on the other side "the moment they stop teaching their children to put on bomb belts and explode against us, when the State of Israel appears in text books, and when Tel Aviv, which they consider to be a settlement, appears on the map." The IDF and its freedom of operation in the West Bank is what is protecting the Palestinian Authority from extremist Islamism, Ya'alon added.