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Who Is the Real Enemy?
(Times of Israel) Masada Siegel - I was working at CNN as a field producer on Sept. 11, 2001. In disbelief, I watched smoke pour out of the World Trade Center. Soon after, the building started to fall. My nerves were shattered and that was one tragic day. I can't imagine danger raining down on my country on a regular basis. No American president would put up with America's people being attacked nonstop. After September 11 America didn't run, we didn't hide, we took care of business, at a very high price: we lost over 2,000 American soldiers. In the process, estimates suggest over 170,000 innocent civilians in Afghanistan were killed. Should we have been expected to "broker peace" with al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization whose main goal is to kill Americans and destabilize the modern world? No, we would care about one thing only: protecting Americans and doing the best we could to minimize innocent civilians' deaths. Hamas is the same entity as al-Qaeda, dedicated to destruction of Western values and freedom-loving people. Hamas is a recognized terrorist organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel and of Jewish people.