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What Makes Some British Muslims Become Jihadis?
(Telegraph-UK) Daniel Hannan - An alarming number of our young men - born and brought up in the UK - are involved with extremist paramilitaries in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. There are credible estimates that more British Muslims are fighting with Islamic State than serving in the British Armed Forces. Experts who have studied Western-born Islamic militants say each has found a cause that validates his anti-social tendencies - a doctrine that teaches him that he is angry, not because there's something wrong with him, but because there's something wrong with everyone else. Islamic State thugs, like Baader-Meinhof gangsters, IRA gunmen, Red Brigaders or 19th century anarchists, are convinced that they can see things more keenly than others, and that this clarity of vision elevates and ennobles their aggression. For a start, we can stop taking these losers at their own estimation. Let's treat them, not as soldiers, but as common criminals. Instead of making documentaries about powerful, shadowy terrorist networks, let's laugh at the pitiable numpties who end up in our courts. Let's mock their underpants bombs and their attempts to set fire to glass and steel airports by driving into them and their tendency to blow themselves up in error. At the same time, let's stop teaching the children of immigrants to despise the British state.