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Will the ICC Investigate Israel?
(Jerusalem Post) Yonah Jeremy Bob - A recent decision by the International Criminal Court in The Hague dealing with Egypt could impact the future of any Israeli-Palestinian legal conflict before the ICC, international law commentator Prof. Eugene Kontorovich has noted. Former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi had invoked the ICC to prosecute Egypt's current rulers for toppling him and for alleged war crimes against him and his supporters. However, the ICC prosecutor rejected his complaint, stating that he did not have "effective control" of Egypt and therefore could not apply on behalf of Egypt. According to Kontorovich, this same rationale could block "Palestine" from successfully getting the ICC to pursue Israelis over the Gaza war, since PA President Mahmoud Abbas does not have "effective control" over Gaza. Moreover, Hamas may fear ICC jurisdiction could lead to prosecution against it for indiscriminate rocket fire as war crimes.