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Don't Let Iran Off the Hook on Nuclear Talks
(Algemeiner) Einat Wilf - Leaders of the P5+1 negotiating powers should not underestimate or underplay their hand. They are in an excellent negotiating position and should be able to secure an agreement that leaves Iran far from being able to pursue a military nuclear program. If - from the Iranian perspective - the path to regime preservation is more likely to be secured by dismantling their nuclear program than by continuing it, then the program will be dismantled. Getting the Iranian regime to reach this conclusion has been the challenge. Iran needs the West to ease sanctions and to fight the Islamic State. Western leaders are negotiating from a position of strength. They hold the key to what the Iranian regime requires for its preservation. The opportunity to reach a good deal should not go to waste. Dr. Einat Wilf, a former member of Knesset, is an Adjunct Fellow with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and a Senior Fellow with the Jewish People Policy Institute.