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Mr. Obama Needs a Tougher Deal to Curb Iran's Nuclear Ambitions
(Washington Post) Editorial - Pressure on Iran is expected grow because of the collapse of global oil prices. Iran's budget depends on an oil price of $140 a barrel, but prices have fallen to below $80. President Obama has failed to convince congressional leaders of both parties that the settlement terms he has reportedly offered are sensible. The administration is reportedly prepared to allow Iran to preserve a substantial part of its nuclear infrastructure - including 4,000 or more centrifuges. Legislators are also rightly concerned about Iran's failure to cooperate with an investigation by international inspectors on its suspected previous work on nuclear warhead designs, or to accept limits on its development of long-range missiles. Arab officials are saying that a deal that allows Iran to preserve a nuclear infrastructure will prompt a race by rival states to match that capacity. The U.S. should be seeking to weaken and roll back Iran's influence in the Middle East and to eliminate - not temporarily freeze - its capacity to build a nuclear arsenal. The agreement the administration appears to be contemplating could solidify Iran's power.