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"The PA Has Money. Look at the Fancy Cars They Drive to the Villas They Build"
(Jerusalem Post) Zalman Shoval - Mariam Barghouti, 20, is a Palestinian American studying at Bir-Zeit University. Last April she spent a day in jail after throwing stones at Israeli soldiers during a violent demonstration at the village of Nebi Saleh. Last week, the New York Times published an op-ed by Barghouti, who tells us that "the West Bank has seen a steep rise in economic growth since 2010....There is prosperity - for some....[B]ut for most, the struggle to make ends meet has become more and more arduous." She quotes a Ramallah cab-driver who tells her: "The PA has money. Look around you, it's everywhere: the fancy cars they drive to the villas they build." Lest we forget, it was Mahmoud Abbas who fired the one man who might have put things right in the economic sphere, former Palestinian prime minister and U.S.-trained economist Salam Fayyad. The writer is a former Israeli ambassador to the U.S.