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Looking Away from Europe's Muslim Problem
(City Journal) Theodore Dalrymple - Because of their high rates of consanguineous marriage, Muslim children have relatively high rates of serious genetic conditions, about which a kind of "code of silence" has long prevailed. Forced marriage (very different from arranged marriage) is common among the Muslims. Certainly I was able to recognize a pattern among my young Muslim female patients, down to the withholding of their passports when they returned "home" to Pakistan, aged between 15 and 20, to marry their first cousin in their "home" village. Resignation to their fate merged by degrees into consent; all of them knew of honor killings of young women such as themselves, which exerted the same psychological effect as lynching did on blacks in the American South. Supposedly to placate Muslim sentiment, the Birmingham Central Library provided women-only tables, in practice for the use of Muslim women. The argument in its favor would almost certainly have been that without such separate facilities Muslim women would not have been allowed by their males to use the library at all. It is unlikely that such an argument would have succeeded for any other religious or social group, and indeed it would have provoked feminist ire, in this case notably absent, presumably because of fear. In France, 60-70% of French prisoners are Muslim (and this is unlikely to be the result of prejudice alone, even if such prejudice exists). This is not characteristic of other immigrant groups, for example the Vietnamese.