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Netanyahu's Devastating Indictment of "a Very Bad Deal" with Iran
(Times of Israel) David Horovitz - Netanyahu's speech explained the profound misjudgment of Iran - its ideology, its goals, and the immense danger it constitutes to Israel, the region, the U.S., and the world - that lies at the heart of the "very bad deal" emerging from the negotiations. Israelis broadly oppose the deal they see taking shape. The prime minister is convinced that Iran is determined to advance its benighted ideology across the region and beyond. He is convinced that the deal will immunize the ayatollahs from any prospect of revolution from within or effective challenge from without. The deal "doesn't block Iran's path to the bomb," he warned. "It paves Iran's path to the bomb." And the prime minister is convinced that the Islamist regime in Tehran is bent on the destruction of Israel. The prime minister did offer an alternative. He urged the P5+1 to recalibrate, to reconsider, and then to push for a better deal.