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Iran's Remarkable Achievement
(Washington Post) Michael Gerson - The Iranian regime has engaged in nuclear negotiations with the U.S. while actively engaged in a regional conflict against American friends and proxies. Opposition to Bashar al-Assad has become muted, even as he crosses every blood-red line of brutality, to avoid disrupting relations with his Iranian patron. Human rights issues within Iran have become secondary to avoid giving offense. Obama has sometimes seemed more tolerant and empathetic toward Iranian positions than those of allies and partners such as Israel. Will Iran continue to hold U.S. policy in the Middle East hostage - causing the U.S. to hush its reactions to Iranian aggression for fear the regime will walk out of a nuclear deal? The real test will be whether Obama can accompany a final nuclear agreement with a much more aggressive resistance to Iranian ambitions in the region. Otherwise, Iran will simply use the wealth that comes from lifted sanctions to cause more havoc.