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Five Principles for a Good Nuclear Deal with Iran
(American Israel Public Affairs Committee-AIPAC) Congress must continue to insist on a good deal that eliminates every Iranian pathway to a nuclear weapon. When reviewing the deal, Congress must ensure that each of the following five minimum criteria is met: 1.Inspections and Verification - Inspectors must be granted unimpeded access to suspect sites for "anytime, anywhere" inspections, including all military facilities. 2.Possible Military Dimensions - Iran must completely explain its prior weaponization efforts. Otherwise, it will be impossible to establish a baseline to measure Iran's true capabilities and future actions. 3.Sanctions - Sanctions relief must only begin after the International Atomic Energy Agency certifies that Iran has complied with its commitments under the agreement. 4.Duration - A deal must last for decades to ensure that Iran does not become a nuclear threshold state with a virtually instant breakout time after 12 or 13 years. 5.Dismantlement - Iran must dismantle its nuclear infrastructure such that it has no path to a nuclear weapon.