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What 29 Top U.S. Scientists Don't Know
(Times of Israel) Emily B. Landau - A letter of support for the Iran deal signed by 29 scientists, echoing the talking points of the administration, was recently sent to President Obama. Yet their scientific achievements do not mean that their assessments of the deal are correct. They do not seem to be aware, for example, that the 24-day cap on Iran's ability to delay an investigation into a facility suspected of supporting clandestine activities could actually be much longer than that. While the scientific aspects are certainly important, that is not where the assessment ends. Rather, there is a need to consider the history of dealing with Iran. Iran has over the years perfected tactics of playing for time, and has made it clear that it will not tolerate inspections at its military sites where suspicions are that it has worked on a military nuclear capability. If pressed on inspections, Iran will most likely continue to evade and play for time, and the deal dangerously provides ample room for Iran to do so. The writer heads the arms control program at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.