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Kerry's Leap of Faith on Iran's Self-Inspections
(Wall Street Journal) Editorial - The International Atomic Energy Agency is supposed to provide the "unprecedented verification" that Secretary of State Kerry and President Obama insist is the key to the Iran deal's reliability. So total is the Secretary's faith in the agency that he agreed to let it reach its own side deals with Iran over how to inspect the regime's military sites, without him knowing the particulars of the arrangements. Last week the Associated Press got hold of a near-final draft of one of the side deals, which revealed that the agency would allow Iran to do its own inspections - with its own personnel and equipment - of the military site at Parchin. After the AP released the text of the agreement, defenders of the deal claimed that the issue was no big deal. But knowing what Iran might have done at Parchin is crucial to determining how much time Iran would need to build a bomb. In an April 2014 exchange with PBS News Hour's Judy Woodruff, she asked Kerry: "The International Atomic Energy Agency has said for a long time that it wants Iran to disclose past military-related nuclear activities. Iran is increasingly looking like it's not going to do this. Is the U.S. prepared to accept that?" Kerry responded: "No. They have to do it. It will be done. If there's going to be a deal, it will be done....It will be part of a final agreement. It has to be."