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America Should Press Damascus to Let Go of Lebanon
[Wall Street Journal] Michael Young - Up to now, the Syrians have successfully pushed their allies in Beirut to block creation of a tribunal to deal with the February 2005 assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri. However, UN officials and the five permanent members of the Security Council have indicated that if this continues, the tribunal will be set up under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Even Russia has said it would not veto this. Syria is continuing to supply weapons to Hizbullah, in breach of Security Council Resolution 1701, and it still refuses to recognize Lebanese sovereignty, establish an embassy in Beirut, or delineate borders with its neighbor. Three conditions must govern any contact with the Assad regime: First, Syria must prove it accepts the Hariri tribunal by discontinuing efforts to thwart its endorsement in Lebanon. Second, Syria must respect UN resolutions on Lebanon, and end its destabilization efforts and the arming of Hizbullah and other groups. Third, Damascus must formally accept Lebanese sovereignty and agree to the opening of embassies and a delineation of the border with Lebanon.