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Israeli Arms Control Expert: Iranian Long-Range Missile Test a Challenge to U.S.
(Jerusalem Post) Yaakov Lappin - The recent announcement of the successful test-firing of a new long-range Iranian missile represents a challenge to the U.S., which is willing to "bend over backward" to justify Tehran's loose interpretation of restrictions on its nuclear program, said Dr. Emily Landau, head of the Arms Control and Regional Security Program at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv on Wednesday. On Sunday Iran announced the successful test of its Imad surface-to-surface missile, which has a reported range of 1,700 km., a warhead weighing 750 kg., and an accuracy range of 500 meters. Landau said the Imad "is a leap in terms of its precision, and it is capable of carrying a nuclear payload. Iran is testing the waters in order to establish and ensure rules of the game for its future activities - like inspections at its military facilities, and its presence in Syria." It has found a compliant U.S., willing to accept its interpretations, she argued. "The Imad missile test has immediate and very significant implications, as a test case for implementation of the recently concluded Iran nuclear deal. It goes directly to the problematic ambiguity and confusion that has been built into the nuclear deal."