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It's Not Just the Settlements, the Palestinians Reject All of Israel
(Times of Israel) David Horovitz - Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has taken to giving press conferences where he tries to wriggle out of his own personal role in fostering the vicious incitement against Israel that lies at the root of the ongoing Palestinian terror wave. His successor may indeed well be worse, but Abbas is impossible. The Fatah hierarchy he heads has been openly encouraging attacks on Israelis, and the Hamas terror group with which he seeks to partner is again plotting suicide bombings, developing more sophisticated rockets, and digging tunnels under the Gaza-Israel border ahead of its next planned war. Abbas may well be deploying his forces to keep a lid on clashes in the West Bank, but he's presiding over an ongoing, strategic demonizing of Israel and Israelis - via his education system, political and spiritual leadership and mainstream and social media - that positively guarantees Palestinian violence and terrorism. So effective is this process that, nowadays, when a young Palestinian has a row at home, feels depressed, or wants to make a name for him or herself, the default response is to grab a knife and go kill the nearest vulnerable Jew. And so, last week, we buried Dafna Meir. And today, we buried Shlomit Krigman. While the U.S. and much of the international community refuse to internalize this, the simple, bleak fact is that everything Arafat, Abbas and Hamas have done since the collapse of the Bill Clinton-hosted Camp David 2000 attempt at forging a deal has persuaded Israelis that they dare not relinquish territory to the Palestinians. Attacks throughout Israel murderously demonstrated that it was not merely the territories that the Palestinians sought. That it's not just the settlements, it's all of Israel that is rejected. Palestinian words and deeds have persuaded mainstream Israelis - including the leader of the Israeli opposition, Isaac Herzog - that no partnership is viable at present.