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Songs in Praise of Stabbing Are Huge Hits on Palestinian Street
(Times of Israel) Lee Gancman - "Lovers of Stabbing," by the Gaza-based band Al-Gorbaa, was written after the October attack by Mohammed Ali al-Miqdad, who stabbed three members of the Israeli security forces at Jerusalem's Damascus Gate before he was shot dead. Walk in the main streets of east Jerusalem and the West Bank and you'll hear "Lovers of Stabbing" - by far the most popular of a series of such hits - as well as similar songs calling for the killing of Israelis, blaring from cars, stores, and restaurants. The catchy songs "are characterized by mentioning the names of martyrs, praising their deeds, and challenging others to follow in the footsteps to be the next martyrs," the Palestinian Ma'an news website noted. On Oct. 26, Raed Jaradat, 22, stabbed an Israeli soldier in the neck near the West Bank village of Beit Anun. Just prior to the incident, Jaradat posted a clip of "Lovers of Stabbing" on Facebook. Dr. Nashat al-Aqtash, media professor at Birzeit University in the West Bank, said the songs "tell you that if you go and commit an attack, you will be a hero and go to paradise." Other popular titles include "Stab the Zionist," "Fill the Bottle with Fire" and "Raise Your Weapons."