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Dying for Allah
(Ha'aretz) Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser - In an address in Jerusalem in 2013, President Obama said there was no real difference between his daughters and the Palestinian youths he had met in Ramallah. Really? Do his daughters identify on Facebook with the worldview of radical Islam, which calls on one to seek "death for Allah"? Almost every Palestinian child you ask will tell you he wants to be a martyr, and many believe that by attempting to stab a Jew to death they increase their chances to attain that honor. The Zionists are seen as a colonialist extension of Western culture, which views achieving happiness in this world as the goal of life. The perpetrators of attacks, who actively seek to be martyrs, win the highest status. A favored place in heaven is promised them, and their death is described as a marriage ceremony. Of course, Palestinians love their children as any human being, and are against death that is outside the framework of the struggle against the enemies of Allah. However, radical Islam and the Palestinians view "death for Allah" as a great privilege. Nor do they see prolonging life, let alone achieving happiness during it, as a supreme value. The writer was formerly Director General of the Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs and head of the Research Division of IDF Military Intelligence.