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Brexit and the Validation of Zionism
(Jerusalem Post) Daniel Gordis - Brexit is actually a profound validation of the very premise of Zionism. Zionism is predicated on a passionate devotion to the survival of the Jewish people, shaped by an instinctive Jewish love of the land on which the Jewish people lived long ago. Zionism was about saving the Jewish people, not about pretending that all peoples are fundamentally the same. Zionism was about reviving a Jewish language with uniquely Jewish dreams, Jewish idiom, Jewish imagination and hopes for Jewish flourishing. If people believing in the innate worth of their people and their heritage is xenophobic, we Zionists are guilty as charged. With Brexit, millions of Britons have now declared that they, too, want to preserve their heritage; they, too, have a history of which they are proud. They, too, understand that memory matters, and that so do borders. The writer is chairman of the core curriculum at Jerusalem's Shalem College.