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Who Is Misreading Reality?
(Atlantic) David Keyes - After Jeffrey Goldberg published an article criticizing Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, the prime minister's spokesman, David Keyes, sent the following response to Goldberg which he posted in full. Too often in Israel's history, grave misreadings of reality have led to tragedy. The Oslo process resulted not in peace but in over a thousand Israelis being murdered by Palestinian terrorists. In 2005, Israel uprooted every soldier and Jew living in Gaza hoping it would encourage peace. Instead, Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls for genocide of all Jews, came to power and launched nearly twenty thousand rockets and missiles at Israeli civilians. Today Hamas' deputy speaker of the parliament, Ahmed Bahr, calls to murder Jews "down to the very last one." Fatah so-called "moderate" Jibril Rajoub said recently that if he could get his hands on a nuclear weapon, he would use it that very day over Israel. The Iranian regime emblazons its missiles with "Israel will be wiped out." Too often, the world has minimized or ignored explicit calls for the murder of Jews. Israel does not seek to preserve the status quo. Israel has consistently offered and genuinely hopes to begin peace talks with the Palestinians immediately and without preconditions. Israel's vision of peace is based on two states for two peoples where a demilitarized Palestinian state finally recognizes the Jewish State of Israel. Unfortunately, the Palestinian leadership has shown time and again that they don't want a state beside Israel. They want a state instead of Israel. Regarding Iran, the prime minister took Israel's case to the American people and Congress to highlight the existential threat of the world's worst state sponsor of terror seeking atomic bombs. Israel's determination to prevent a nuclear armed Iran was a leading force that helped galvanize sanctions against Iran in the first place. Without Israel's steadfastness, Iran would have had nuclear weapons long ago. This clear stand brought much of the Arab world closer to Israel as Tehran's apocalyptic mullahs threaten them no less than us.