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Netanyahu: Latest UNESCO Decision on Jerusalem Will Not Be Implemented
(Prime Minister's Office) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday, "The UNESCO Heritage Committee passed a decision which caused disappointment among the Palestinians and several Arab countries....The UNESCO Secretary General said that if it was not passed unanimously, then the decision would not be implemented. I would like to thank the leaders of Tanzania and Croatia for demanding a vote....Because it reached a vote, it will not be implemented, because it was not unanimous. Eleven out of the 21 countries that are members of the Heritage Committee...did not support the vote." "We are the only ones who are scrupulously, carefully and zealously safeguarding [the holy places]....Radical Islam blows up mosques, blows up churches, blows up historic sites, slaughters Yazidis, slaughters Muslims who do not agree with them, slaughters Christians, slaughters whoever it can. Who is deserving of condemnation? Certainly not Israel."