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Why Is Europe Turning a Blind Eye to Arab-Muslim Occupation?
(Jerusalem Report) Zvi Mazel - Why is Europe turning a blind eye to the deadly legacy of violence, chaos and backwardness left by the Islamic occupation of the Middle East and North Africa? From the 7th century onward, these regions were forcibly conquered and occupied by Muslim-Arab forces that have oppressed and pillaged its populations. To this day, there is discrimination toward non-Arab minorities. National and religious minorities in the Arab region have not been given independence or autonomy. Prominent among them are the Kurds who number 30-40 million and have long fought for their independence or at least for a large measure of autonomy. There are also some 38 million Berbers, the indigenous peoples of North Africa, whose language and culture were never recognized by the Arab regimes, which largely oppressed them. There are some 20 million Berbers in Morocco - 60% of the population. In Algeria, Berbers make up one-third of the population, while in Libya they comprise 12%. The Copts are the indigenous people of Egypt, today making up 10% of the population. They do not look for autonomy and feel an integral part of the country, but would like to be treated as equals. It is not likely to happen soon. The writer, a fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, is a former ambassador to Egypt, Romania and Sweden.