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Why Overthrowing Assad Won't Solve Syria's Crisis
(National Post-Canada) Lawrence Solomon - Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad did not "gas his own people," as was widely reported. Assad is an Alawite, a minority people that rules over the many non-Alawite tribes that constitute Syria. Assad gassed non-Alawite Muslims. There is no true Syrian people, except in the imagination of Westerners. The Western goal of keeping Syria whole, with its devout Muslims harmoniously living side-by-side with Alawite tribes they consider heretical, as well as with Syria's pro-Assad Christian minority, is delusional and guaranteed to fail. Although the Alawite tribes now have the upper hand, they know that, if they lose, they will be mercilessly slaughtered, just as Assad is mercilessly slaughtering those who would overthrow his Alawite regime. The writer is a policy analyst with Toronto-based Probe International.