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Poll: Most Israelis Oppose Changing Jerusalem's Status
[Ynet News] According to a poll by the Dahaf Institute published by Yediot Ahronot Tuesday, when asked if Israel should compromise Jerusalem's status as part of any future peace agreement with the Palestinians, 63% said Jerusalem should not be included in a peace agreement, 21% thought it should, and 16% would agree only if the changes were approved in a referendum. As for handing over Palestinian neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem to the Palestinian Authority, 68% were against, 20% agreed, and 11% said they would agree if a referendum supported the idea. When asked who should remain sovereign of the Western Wall and Temple Mount, 61% said Israel should be sovereign, 16% favored joint Israeli-Palestinian sovereignty, 21% said the holy places should be under international rule, and 1% said Jordan should be named the holy places' sovereign.