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Setting the Record Straight on Jerusalem
(Israel Hayom) Erez Linn - "They're trying to take your identity," former Israeli Ambassador to the UN Dore Gold says at the beginning of an innovative presentation on Jerusalem that includes 3D technology launched this month in the U.S. He wants to present the world with the facts about Jerusalem, the most volatile issue in any future negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, just before the efforts to renew the peace process gather steam. He thinks that if serious negotiations for a permanent peace agreement do get underway, it will become necessary to "prepare international public opinion as well as Jewish opinion throughout the world and explain why we're insisting that Jerusalem remain united and under Israeli sovereignty." "In the years following Camp David, we saw how not only Arafat, but also Abbas and others on the Palestinian side would tell Israel, 'Prove that you had a Temple [there],'" he says. "There are respected professors who ask that question....Think about the young Jewish people who get to the best universities in the U.S., and suddenly a professor gives them this book [that treats the Temple as a myth]." "Jews were always making their way back to Jerusalem....In the Middle Ages there was such a large flow of Jews reaching Jerusalem that...the Vatican was afraid that they would upset the religious balance."