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Expert: There Is No Way to Boycott Israel
(Jerusalem Post) Edward Luttwak interviewed by Vanessa Tomassini - In the last week 22 new airline routes were announced from Tel Aviv to Europe and China. Israel, one of the most developed, technological and advanced countries in the world, has a dense diplomatic network. Continuing this way, Israel will increasingly be the least-boycotted country in the world. The Swedish government, for example, loves the Palestinians without doing anything for them: companies in Sweden are doing business with Israel. It's all a matter of pretense. UNESCO decided that the Jews had nothing to do with Jerusalem because the Bible is a Jewish fantasy. If Jewish history doesn't exist, Jerusalem must belong to the Palestinians. They could easily rewrite the history of Sicily, making it an Arab region. In a Middle East upset by major civil wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, where 200-300 people die per day, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a trivial conflict. Edward Luttwak is a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.