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U.S. Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's Capital Is a Positive Step
(Twitter) Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Amos Yadlin - U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital is a positive step and an important one in the face of Palestinian efforts to undermine the Jewish people's historical connection to the city of David. Ben-Gurion said in 1949, "If the Land of Israel is the heart of the Jewish nation, then Jerusalem is its heart of hearts." Then he moved the government and the Knesset to Jerusalem. The Palestinians, Arabs, and Turks are making empty threats. The people of the Middle East, including Palestinians, will not go to the streets on this issue as they are focused on other issues closer to home. Saudi Arabia is focused on Iran, Yemen, Hizbullah; Iran is busy setting up shop in Syria; Egypt and Lebanon are thinking about elections in May. Will it disrupt the peace process? If there is any such process moving in the direction of Israeli-Palestinian peace, that is news to me. Surrendering to the Palestinians and the Arabs on the subject of (West) Jerusalem as Israel's capital amounts to giving them a veto and the ability to blackmail the U.S. and Israel with their threats of violence, in trying to inflict upon us any future parameter they don't like. The writer, former chief of Israeli military intelligence, heads the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University.