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Argentine Ex-President Charged with Treason for Covering Up Iranian Involvement in Jewish Community Center Bombing
(Washington Post) Max Radwin and Anthony Faiola - Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio on Thursday indicted former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner on treason charges and sought her arrest over allegations that she covered up Iranian involvement in the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, which killed 85 people, in exchange for a potentially lucrative trade deal. Authorities conducted raids linked to the case on Thursday, arresting three of Fernandez's former aides and associates. Hector Timerman, her former foreign minister, was placed under house arrest. The court requested lifting her immunity from prosecution, a protection she enjoys as a sitting senator, but observers say it doesn't look probable. Alberto Nisman, a crusading prosecutor, accused Fernandez of a cover-up in 2015. His mysterious death came only days after he alleged that Fernandez and Timerman had colluded to shield Iran's role in the car-bomb attack on the center.