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Palestinians Use Christians as Pawns, Israel Protects Them
( Ariel Ben Solomon - Palestinian leaders have claimed that Christians and even Jesus himself were "Palestinian," even though Palestinian nationalism is a 20th century creation. Dexter Van Zile, Christian media analyst at the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), notes that in the West Bank, "many young Christians have left because of the misrule of the Palestinian Authority." At the same time, life for West Bank Christians is far better than the situation for their persecuted counterparts in Iraq, Syria and Egypt. "Christians in the West Bank know full well what's in store for them should Hamas' brand of radicalism take over the West Bank." Bishara Shlayan, a Christian resident of Nazareth, said some of Israel's Arab Christians openly support the state, but many, including in the West Bank, are scared to speak their mind because of Muslim threats. "Thank God for Israel and that we are not somewhere else," he said.