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How Will the Palestinian Leadership Respond to the Taylor Force Act?
(Jerusalem Post) Nitsana Darshan-Leitner - The enactment by the U.S. of the Taylor Force Act confronts the Palestinian leadership with some difficult choices. It could require the State Department to withhold $350 million of its annual American aid to the Palestinians if they continue using these funds to pay monthly stipends to the families of imprisoned terrorists and suicide bombers. The law provides actual teeth against the Palestinians' deeply ingrained culture of brazen anti-Israel hate and official glorification of those who perpetrate terrorism against innocent Jews. The Palestinians do not accept our legitimacy as a people and view us solely as occupiers of their land who need to be resisted by any means possible. The exalting and veneration of those they claim engaged in "armed resistance against the occupation" goes to the very core of their culture, it's how they see themselves, how they want the world to perceive them, and how in the end, they view us. This view must finally be confronted and dismantled. The writer is president of the Shurat Hadin Law Center and is legal counsel to the family of Taylor Force.