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Israel to Gazans: Live Peacefully alongside Us
(Times of Israel) Speaking on Holocaust Remembrance Day Thursday at Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, 5 km. from Gaza, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said, "My message to our neighbors from the south - you will never succeed in breaking us. Change direction and start to think, not about how to destroy the State of Israel, but how to exist alongside the State of Israel." "Unfortunately, the battle over our very right to exist as a Jewish and free state continues to this day, even though the State of Israel extended a hand of peace to all its neighbors. We have signed peace agreements with Egypt and Jordan and have left Gaza up to the last millimeter of the 1967 lines. Today, the leaders of Gaza threaten to destroy the State of Israel, to return the refugees to Tel Aviv, Haifa and Safed, and sirens blare as a result of their rocket fire at the communities in the south."