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Hamas Writes the Anti-Israel Script and Canada Plays Along
(National Post-Canada) Editorial - Alas, across much of the Western world last week, the reflexive response to the violence at Israel's border with Gaza was to blame the Jewish state for defending itself against what was obviously a deliberate provocation by terrorists. The violence was roundly portrayed as a massacre of innocents. We've seen this play many times before, which makes it all the stranger that no one ever seems to learn from past mistakes. The violence at the border was a justified, if bloody, response to a cynical attack on Israel organized and controlled by Hamas. Israel was well within its legal rights to defend itself, and provided ample warning of its intentions to do so. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau played a part in issuing unfair accusations against Israel. "Reported use of excessive force and live ammunition is inexcusable....Canada calls for an immediate independent investigation to thoroughly examine the facts." That's the backward way: condemn first, then admit we need to get all the facts, then call for an investigation. It's embarrassing that Canada insists on acting along with Hamas' script.