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Israel Shows Power of Good Defense
(Washington Times) L. Todd Wood - What impressed me on my latest visit to Israel was the confidence of the Israeli people. The Israeli military wasn't present in heavy numbers in the border towns, at least not out in the open. Ashkelon and Sderot were thriving, expanding, growing, with families and lots of children everywhere. No one was concerned about Palestinian terrorists. The defenses were working, keeping the killers away from the Israeli people. A journalist colleague in Jerusalem told me that the Palestinians "have tried suicide vests, car bombs, stabbings, tunnels, rockets, etc. Nothing has worked....Now Hamas is reduced to flying flaming kites to burn Israeli grassland." Israel will survive this phase of the conflict as well and come out even stronger. Take it from one who has just been there: For all the media hand-wringing and pro-Palestinian forces at the UN and in Europe, Israel is stronger than ever. The writer is a former U.S. Air Force special operations helicopter pilot.