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Why the Concern for UNRWA?
(Jerusalem Post) Caroline B. Glick - Since UNRWA was established in 1949, the U.S. has given nearly $5 billion to the agency tasked with perpetuating refugee status among descendants of Arabs who left Israel in the 1948-1949 pan-Arab invasion. UNRWA deliberately perpetuates the misery of innocent people. It indoctrinates them from the cradle to the grave to support terrorism and genocide against the Jewish state and its people. It exists as a tool of political warfare in the never-ending war to annihilate the Jewish state. UNRWA targets its services to people of Palestinian descent it calls "refugees" for political reasons; fewer than 1% of the UNRWA refugees would actually meet the Refugee Convention definition. Over the past 70 years, while the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has permanently resettled tens of millions of refugees, UNRWA has resettled no refugees. It is now responsible for the fifth generation of descendants of the Arabs who left Israel in 1948-49.