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Venezuela's Ties with Hizbullah
(Panam Post) Sabrina Martin - A report in the Spanish newspaper ABC reveals that between 2008 and 2012, 173 individuals from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Iran registered as Venezuelan citizens to facilitate their participation in drug trafficking. In 2015, Misael Lopez Soto, an adviser to the Venezuelan embassy in Iraq, said that employees of the embassy sell visas, passports, identity cards, and Venezuelan birth certificates to people from Syria, the PA, Iraq, and Pakistan who pay between $5,000 and $15,000. According to the Brazilian magazine Veja, sources declared in 2015 that Ghazi Nasr al Din, who served as Charge d'Affaires of the Venezuelan Embassy in Damascus, maintained a network for manufacturing and distribution of authentic Venezuelan passports that were provided to hide the true identities of terrorists.