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The "Anti-Hamas Intifada" in Gaza
(Jerusalem Post) Khaled Abu Toameh - On Saturday, Hamas launched a counter-campaign to end the demonstrations and discredit the protesters. Hamas dispatched thousands of supporters to the streets to condemn Abbas and hold him responsible for the crisis. Hamas also took to social media to portray the protests as part of a conspiracy by Fatah and Israel. The PA-controlled media, particularly Palestine TV in Ramallah, have devoted special lengthy programs to cover what they called the "anti-Hamas intifada" in Gaza. The protests have seriously embarrassed Hamas, making it look like the main party responsible for the deteriorating economic situation in Gaza. The photos and videos of Hamas policemen using force against Palestinian protesters have served as a reminder that Palestinians in Gaza are ruled by a repressive regime. A veteran Palestinian journalist from Gaza City concluded: "The same Palestinians who forced Israel and the Palestinian Authority to flee Gaza are also capable of rising against Hamas. When will that happen? Only God knows, but we are certain that it will happen one day."