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What Happens to Palestinians Who Demand a Better Life?
(Gatestone Institute) Khaled Abu Toameh - Mohammed Safi, 27, lost his eyesight while being held in a Hamas prison. His crime: participation in demonstrations calling for an end to the economic crisis in Gaza and protesting new taxes imposed by the Hamas rulers. Safi's family says he lost his eyesight under torture by Hamas security forces. Safi's case serves as a reminder how Palestinians living under the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza suffer from repression, corruption and bad government. The PA and Hamas tolerate no criticism and arrest political opponents almost on a daily basis. Had Safi headed towards the border to hurl bombs and rocks at Israeli soldiers, he would have been hailed as a hero by his Hamas leaders. Safi simply chose to speak truth to power and place the misery of the Palestinians in Gaza squarely at the feet of Hamas. He paid dearly for that choice.