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Destroying the Terrorist Infrastructure in Gaza
(Jerusalem Post) Avi Dichter interviewed by Zachary Cutler - Avi Dichter, former director of the Israel Security Agency, said that during the Second Intifada, the ISA and IDF arrested 8,000 terrorists. The intelligence that Israel was able to extract from them is what enabled the country to win. "With dead terrorists, you get no information. With terrorists captured alive, you can extract tremendous amounts of information and turn them into action items. This gives the ability to foil more and more terrorists, plots and cells." In Gaza, destroying the terrorist military infrastructure can happen in one of two ways, according to Dichter. Either Saudi Arabia and Egypt lead a diplomatic initiative that completely rids Gaza of its terrorist military infrastructure, or Israel will need to launch a major and long-lasting operation to root it out. He says the chances of the first option are low - and believes that Israel needs to prepare itself for a major campaign that would consist of ground troops and air power. Otherwise, within a decade, Hamas will have much more sophisticated weapons that will endanger Israel to a significantly higher degree.