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Israeli Experts Skeptical about Russia in Syria
(Kurdistan 24) Laurie Mylroie - IDF Col. (res.) Ehud Evental, former head of the strategic planning unit of the Political-Military and Policy Bureau of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, told the Herzliya security conference on Tuesday that the Russians are playing all sides in Syria. They "give us some room to maneuver" to attack Iranian targets in Syria, but they also "give the Iranians freedom of action" to bring weapons into Syria. Dr. Dmitry Adamsky, a professor at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy, and Strategy in Herzliya, said, "Russia is trying intentionally to position itself as part of the problem and also as part of the solution." That tactic is more informally described as playing arsonist and fireman: you help create a problem and then offer yourself as part of the solution. That creates leverage.