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PA Lauds Murderers of Jews in 1929 Arab Riots
(Palestinian Media Watch) Maurice Hirsch - In the 1929 Arab riots, 90 years ago, rampaging Arabs murdered 67 Jews in Hebron, along with Jews in Jerusalem and Safed. In total, in the course of one week, Arabs murdered 130 Jews. In the aftermath of the massacres, British Mandate forces arrested and prosecuted dozens of Arabs. While most of the death sentences handed down were commuted, three Arabs who, according to a report by the British government to the League of Nations, "committed particularly brutal murders at Safad and Hebron" were put to death on June 17, 1930. Every year the PA marks the execution of these three murderers - Muhammad Jamjoum, Fuad Hijazi, and Ataa Al-Zir. In June, PA TV said "the three heroes" have become "a legend of self-sacrifice for the homeland," and that "souls that have been sacrificed for their country will not die." In this manner, the PA constantly reinforces its message that dying while carrying out an act of terrorism guarantees that the souls of the terrorists do not die.