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Time for Lebanon to Rid Itself of Hizbullah
(Newsweek) Jason D. Greenblatt - The time has come for Lebanon to ask itself if the malign activities of Hizbullah, the puppets of the Iranian regime, are worth the devastation caused to Lebanon - to its economy, its country, its people, and now to all those killed in this tragedy and their loved ones. Israel offered humanitarian aid. Israeli hospitals offered to treat Lebanese wounded. All this despite the fact that Lebanon is considered by Israel to be an enemy state, and the two countries have not had diplomatic relations since 1949. Moreover, Israel treated thousands of Syrians who suffered as a result of the tragic civil war in Syria. Forget for a moment the threat to Israel that Hizbullah poses. Israel has thrived and prospered and will do what it needs (and has the right) to do to defend itself from its enemies and those that seek to harm or destroy it. And it will continue to reach out around the world to those who are suffering, including offering to help its enemies - as it did here. The writer served as U.S. Special Representative for International Negotiations (2017-2019).